Sunday, November 22, 2009

Heidi Klum Back to Catwalk, Six Weeks After Giving Birth!

Stunning German supermodel Heidi Klum made her first appearance on the catwalk of the 2009 Victoria's Secret show on Friday night, since giving birth just five weeks ago. Heidi managed to wow the crowd by showing of her stunning figure in a purple corset covered with a half gown covered in what looked like Roses. She emerged from the huge, castle like set to a applause from the audience.
Fellow model, Alessandra Ambrosio said “She can do it all, She’s such an inspiration”
While Victoria’s Secret president and chief marketing officer, Ed Razek said “Heidi is superwoman. She had a baby a few weeks ago and now she is hosting the most high profile fashion show in the world, were very happy to have her back”

It is great to see that Heidi is still in such great demand as only last year a top German designer and modeling agent called her “too fat” to be a supermodel, and legendary fashion designer Karl Lagerfeld dismissed her as a nobody.

Well I for one think this show proves that Heidi is far from being classed as a "nobody" in the fashion industry

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