Monday, December 7, 2009

Interactive Blogs

Making your blog interactive…

Site 1:

Flickr is a photo sharing site that I love and use frequently as a reliable image source. The reason I feel flickr is a reliable source is that real photographers have accounts on the site and upload their images daily while some accounts are owned by magazines etc and they upload the latest photo’s from premiere’s and other media events.
The image beside this is a great example of the large variety of images available on Flickr.

Site 2:

Vogue TV is part of but it is a part of the website that is dedicated to fashion videos. I really like this site and I look at it as ofter as I can as it has a large variety of fashion videos, its not just full of catwalk shows, it also has very interesting interviews with the industries top models and fashion designers.


Fashvids is a site dedicated to fashion videos, even though all their video’s are sourced from Youtube, Fashvids make it far easier to find the latest fashion videos as it sometimes extremely hard to find what you are looking for on youtube, so Fashvids basically does the work for you. Just log on and away you go!
A good example of the sort of videos available on

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